DCN: 141-00940-09 11/02/07
It is strongly recommended that you hook-up and run a simple bench test before installing the TXB16. Not
only will this save you time in system checkout but will also familiarize you with the thermostat’s operation.
1. Connect the Wall Display Unit to the Control Unit with a short (12-24 inch) 4 wire cable.
2. Before power up, set the Control Unit dipswitch, SW1, to ALL OFF
3. Connect power to the Control Unit.
You will need a separate 24VAC transformer if you are not
connected to the HVAC system thermostat connections for power.
4. Verify Control Unit Status LED is blinking.
5. Verify the WDU display comes on and shows the current temperature.
a. If no display and backlights are not on, check wiring and power at the Control Unit.
b. If a “CF” display is shown on the WDU, double check your wiring to the Control Unit.
d. Do not proceed until the current temperature is displayed on the WDU.
6. With the current temperature displayed on the WDU, we have verified communication between it and the
Control Unit is OK. Any communication problems will result in a “CF” (Communications Failure) display on
the WDU and must be fixed before proceeding. If all is OK with the WDU proceed to the next step.
7. Press the Fan button on the WDU. The Control Unit’s Fan LED and relay should turn on.
8. Press the Fan button again. The Fan LED and relay should turn off.
9. Press the Mode button until the WDU is showing “H” for Heat Mode.
10. Press the Setpoint Up button until the setpoint is above the current temperature. The Heat LED and
relay should come on. (If they don’t, make sure the Status LED is not flashing twice indicating minimum off
delay…wait until LED stops flashing twice before proceeding).
11. Press the Mode button until the WDU is showing “O” for OFF. The Heat LED and relay will turn OFF.
12. Wait 6 minutes for the minimum off delay to expire. The Status LED will stop flashing twice.
13. Press the Mode button until the WDU is showing “C” for Cool Mode.
14. Press the Setpoint Down button until the setpoint is below the current temperature.
15. The Compressor and Fan LEDs and relays should turn on
16. Press the mode button until the WDU is showing “O” for OFF Mode.
17. All LEDs and relays should turn off.
18. When you have successfully completed all these tests, you have verified that the TXB16 is working
Requires an X10 Mini-Controller or Maxi-Controller or a
known good source
of X10 signals.
1. With the TXB16 connected as above, proceed with connecting the X10 Interface Module.
2. Connect a four wire modular phone cable to the Control Unit.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to the X10 Interface Module.
4. Plug the X10 Interface Module into a 110VAC outlet. The module’s LED should be ON.
5. Plug an X10 Controller in the outlet.
6. Set the House Code on the X10 controller to match the TXB16 Control Unit (Example: House Code A or
1 on the WDU).
7. Send Unit code ON and OFF commands from the X10 controller and verify that the WDU display shows
the correct response to each command sent per the X10 Decode Tables
8. Verify the TXB16 Status LED is showing X10 commands being received. You should see 4 rapid flashes
if the address is correct, only 2 if the command is not address correctly.
9. The LED on the X10 Interface Module should blink with each command sent from the X10 controller.
10. If you have difficulty receiving X10 commands, double check the modular cable, the X10 Interface
Module and the House Code settings.
11. If the TXB16 responds properly to the X10 commands, proceed with installation.
It is recommended that you install the TXB16 and then rerun these quick tests BEFORE you connect the
controller to the HVAC system. You will be confident that the TXB16 is working correctly before you
attempt to interface to the HVAC system.