CyberBank G 3.5” SATA Giga LAN Disk Enclosure
3. Enter the
NDAS device ID
Write Key
(You can find your ID and Write key number
label on the Aluminum housing of your LAN Disk), click the
You must enter the NDAS device ID, or you cannot progress the next step.
The Write Key is optional. If you enter the Write Key, you can read and write
the data from the NDAS Disk to your computer, whereas you can only read
the data from the LAN Disk.
The NDAS device ID and Write Key do not allow to enter the letter “O”.
Please replace the letter “O” as the number “0”.
The NDAS device ID number in the above graphic is an installation sample.
You should get your own ID labeled on the aluminum housing of your LAN
Disk of inside PC board.