Design Guidelines for PCX Series
Renkus-Heinz has developed a new coverage generation technology specifically for the PCX Series, Passive
UniBeam Technology. Renkus-Heinz’ UniBeam coverage is asymmetrical in nature and has the ability to generate
incredibly consistent sound pressure levels and frequency responses in the intended audience areas. In addition
to incredible coverage consistency in the intended areas, UniBeam algorithms have extreme off-axis rejection
and feature extensive side and gradient lobe suppression, which assist in reducing the effects of reflections and
reverberations in any venue.
UniBeam technology has been shaping the sound of Iconyx steerable sound systems for years, and now all the
benefits of UniBeam coverage is available for the first time in passive column solutions in the PCX Series. Each
model in the series features in extensive passive crossover network that addresses each transducer with a
highly specialized passive filter that includes all necessary time, frequency, and amplitude adjustments neces-
sary to achieve the UniBeam coverage.
Due to the inherent benefits that Passive UniBeam technology provides, PCX Series models were designed to be
flush mounted onto the wall with zero degrees of additional downward angle when used within our recommend-
ed mounting heights. All PCX Series models were designed to be mounted at heights of about 6 ft to 8 ft (1.83 m
to 2.44m) above finished floor. When mounted at these heights, very consistent coverage should be expected to
the distances outlined in the table below
PCX Series Maximum Coverage Guidelines
Low (6 ft / 1.8 m) High (8 ft / 2.4 m)
30 ft (9.1 m)
50 ft (15.2 m)
60 ft (18.3 m)
90 ft (27.4 m)
120 ft (36.6 m)
160 ft (48.8 m)
The above guidelines are ideal for flush mounting the PCX Series loudspeakers using the standard wall mount
with 0 degrees of inherent down angle. These guidelines are also largely intended for flat, or very gently raked
audience planes. For more extreme mounting heights, or non-standard applications we also offer an optional
Pan/Tilt Wall Bracket that is detailed on previous pages.
Simulating PCX Series Loudspeakers
If simulation and virtual design work is required when specifying PCX Series loudspeakers, Renkus-Heinz offers
GLL files for both EASE Focus 3, and EASE software for design and simulation. The GLL package can be found on
our website.