23. Storm warning
A particularly quickly dropping barometric pressure usually suggests bad weather or a storm. The threshold for the baro-
metric pressure drop per hour can be set individually from 3 mbar/h to 9 mbar/h for the weather station. On this, see item
Setup Settings/Storm Warning Threshold.
• The storm warning is emitted when the set threshold has been exceeded for 3 hours. The symbol “Rainy” will flash in the
display for 3 hours.
The lower the threshold has been set, the more sensitive the storm warning setting will react. For sites that are
already subject to great barometric pressure fluctuations under normal conditions (e.g. Alpine region), a higher
value should be chosen to avoid false alarms.
24. Threshold barometric pressure
The weather forecast is calculated based on a changing barometric pressure. If the barometric pressure changes ac-
cordingly, the display symbols are updated to show weather changes. If the display symbols do not change, either the
barometric pressure did not change or the change was so slow that it could not be registered by the weather station. The
threshold for the barometric pressure drop or increase that causes changes to the weather forecast can be set individ-
ually from 2 mbar/h to 4mbar/h for the weather station. On this, see item Setup Settings/Barometric Pressure Threshold
The lower the threshold, the more sensitive is the unit to weather changes. In sites subject to frequent barometric
pressure changes under normal conditions, a higher threshold must be chosen than in sites subject to lower
barometric pressure changes under normal conditions.
25. Battery change
• Battery change is required when the display contrast of the weather station or the outdoor sensor drops too far.
• After the battery change of the outdoor sensor, a sensor search may need to be performed in the weather station.
• If the batteries of the outdoor sensor (1-8), the battery symbol (13) will appear in the display of the weather station. The
battery symbol will light up when the total battery voltage has dropped to below 2.4 V. This is why use of rechargeable
batteries is not recommended.