Question / Error / Problem
Troubleshooting / Solution
How does the print data get
from the PC to the printer?
We generally recommend printing via USB flash
drive: the G-Codes are saved from the PC to the
USB flash drive. The USB flash drive must then be
inserted into the USB port of the printer.
If the printer is located adjacent to the PC, it is pos
sible to print using a USB cable: the USB flash drive
is not required. During printing, the connected com
puter must not be shut down or switched to stand
by / energy-saving mode.
Printing via WiFi: Only recommended for WiFi net
works with good coverage and few outages. The
USB flash drive must be inserted in the USB port.
The USB flash drive is used as an external storage
Why is a WiFi connection not
In the case of a poor WiFi connec
tion, the connection between the PC
and the SIMPLEX may be interrupt
ed with the result that it cannot be
ensured that SIMPLEX print can be
used securely and reliably.
If data transfer via WiFi is not stable, we recom
mend printing using a USB flash drive.
What frequency band is used
by the Simplex WiFi module?
The WiFi module of the printer only operates at 2.4
Can acetone be used to clean
the print bed?
No, acetone would damage the Kapton. Corre
sponding cleaning agents are listed in the IFU.
What grease should be used
to lubricate the printer?
Grease is not included in the scope of delivery of the
Generally, PTFE lubrication grease should always
be used.
Is a spare nozzle included in
the scope of delivery of the
A spare nozzle is included in the scope of delivery of
the printer.
The graphic in slicing mode is
shown in black.
Driver problem
Update of the graphic driver.
What is the minimum required
height (in mm) of the model
base above the palate in or
der to facilitate an even sur
face during printing?
The model base must be approx. 3 - 4 mm above
the palate.
When slicing the working model, approx. 2 mm of
the SIMPLEX sliceware is removed. Remaining
below this distance can result in holes.
G-Code file cannot be loaded
from the USB flash drive.
Umlauts / special characters in the
file name.
When saving, do not use special characters or um
laut characters in the file name!
When placing models with a
thick model base, is it possi
ble to reduce the size of the
model by placing the model
base slightly below the print
Yes, this is possible. Everything that is positioned
below the virtual plate is shown in red in the SIM
PLEX sliceware. These red areas are not taken into
consideration during printing.
Is the SIMPLEX sliceware
only available after the cus
tomer has registered using
the Renfert app?
Yes, the customer only receives the link to download
and install after they have registered in the app.
What distance is recommend-
ed between print elements?
What is the recommended
minimum distance?
The distance between print objects should be kept
to an absolute minimum in order to minimize the
travel times of the extruder and as a result, printing
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