CPX4 AC-PLC Evaluation Kit M02D2 RTK0EE0009D02001BJ
Interface Specifications
R30UZ0165EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 26 of 53
July 01, 2021
Interface specifications and SW/JP switching
This chapter describes the interface specifications and SW and JP switching of this product.
AC-PLC Board
This section explains the interface specifications and SWs/JPs settings of AC-PLC board.
3.1.1 Explanation of Connectors, SWs and JPs of AC-PLC Boards
Figure 3-1 shows the arrangement of the connectors, SWs, and JPs, and Table 3-1 shows the usage.
Figure 3-1 Connectors, JPs, and SWs of AC-PLC board