5 Commissioning
Base station
and the
iSense RF
are usually automatically connected to each
other. The manufacturer ensures this is the case. However, if you replace either of these
components the connection must be re-established. This is done as follows:
1. Open the housing of the
Base station
2. Press the connection button on the
Base station
and hold for three seconds.
The green status LED now flashes once per second.
3. Activate the
option on the
iSense RF
(see the
iSense RF
user guide).
The green LED on the
Base station
now flashes once every 4 seconds.
4. Check the iSenseRF to see if a connection has been established; repeat
the procedure if not.
5. Close the housing again.
Base station
and the
iSense RF
are now connected with each other again.