Air Handling units AeroMaster XP
Figure 1 –
Handling the heat exchanger
XPXR Regeneration Exchanger Section
Rotary regenerative heat exchangers are used for heat recovery, and
are designed to transfer heat (non-hygroscopic version), or to transfer
humidity (hygroscopic version) while simultaneously maintaining the
ability to transfer heat from the outlet air to the inlet air. Th e heat or
humidity transfer takes place in the rotor, one half of which reaches
into the hot outlet air fl ow and the other half into the cold inlet
air fl ow. As the rotor turns, the heat-exchange surface of the heat
exchanger passes in turn through the outlet and inlet air fl ow, and
thus heat or heat and humidity transfer is enabled.
Operating Conditions
XPRJ and XPRF rotary heat exchangers are designed to be installed
within the AeroMaster XP air-handling unit. Use and operating con-
ditions are related to the entire AeroMaster XP air-handling unit,
and they are specifi ed in the air-handling unit's documentation.
Heat exchangers are designed to transfer air heat at temperatures
ranging from -20°C to +55°C, or up to +100°C if made to special
Operation at temperatures below -20°C is possible providing
antifreeze protection of the heat exchanger is ensured (refer to
the section Heat Exchanger Antifreeze Protection).
Maximum velocity of transported air though the rotor is 4.0 m/s
(checked just after the rotor). A version for higher air velocities
with a reinforced rotor can be ordered for an additional charge.
Inlet and outlet air for the heat exchanger must be fi ltered to avoid
fouling of the rotor's cells.
To enable servicing, maintenance and cleaning of the heat
exchanger, it is necessary to provide a service access from both
sides of the heat exchanger by inserting the access section (ser-
vice section, fi ltration section, etc.) in the air-handling assembly,
respectively to enable the heat exchanger to be pushed out of the
air-handling unit (more than 1/2 of the heat exchanger construc-
tion width).
Th e fl ushing chamber carries out its function only if the directions
of the inlet and outlet air fl ow oppose each other. Th e fl ushing
chamber is always situated on the inlet air side behind the heat
If ordered and for an additional charge, the heat exchanger can be
fi tted in the factory with a collecting tray for condensate draining.
Th e heat exchanger rotor is made of thin aluminium sheet in enthalpy
version with sorption coating, and it is driven by a belt. Th e rotor shaft
is supported by ball bearings, respectively taper roller bearings. Th e
reinforced frame of the heat exchanger is made of galvanized sheet
steel. Th e rotor is sealed to the fl ushing chamber by special brush
sealing. Th e external casing is created by 25 mm sandwich panels
fi lled with mineral wool; the panels can be delivered either galvanized
or with painted face sides.
Handling and Transport
Increased attention must be paid to the safety of persons as well as of
the product when handling the rotary heat exchanger, which due to its
dimensions (tall and narrow), weight and high centre of gravity is very
unstable. Th e manufacturer recommends always fi xing the position of
the rotary heat exchanger with suitable roping if it is not assembled in
the section assembly! Th e rotary heat exchanger can only be stored,
transported or handled in the vertical position. Any tilting leading to
a change in the position of the rotation axis may damage the rotor's
evenness and bearing beddings. If the section dimensions exceed
the height of the truck, it is necessary to cover it with an additional
Larger heat exchanger sizes can be lifted using a crane. Th ere is a
space provided in the base frame to fasten lifting straps (see fi gure).
Th e lifting straps must be protected by sleeves. Th e product can be
transported by forklift truck only if secured against falling.
Installation Site
Th e surface of the site for the air-handling unit installation must be
level and fl at. Maximum misalignment of the fl oor or supporting
structure intended for the air-handling unit installation must not
exceed 1 mm per 1 meter. Observance of this condition is important
for installation as well as for the air-handling unit operation.
To enable regular servicing, maintenance, guarantee and post-
guarantee servicing, it is necessary to provide a service access from
both sides of the heat exchanger's rotor.