Pg. 42
Doc ID: 191-7913A
Doc Rev: 082018
Friction Disks
– Due to the dark color of the friction
material, the friction disks will appear almost black as soon
as they are put in oil. During inspection, look for glazing of
the friction material. Glazing will appear shiny and feel like
glass, even after oil is cleaned from the friction disk. Not all
friction disks look the same and may look different than
Performance issues
If you find yourself adjusting the slave cylinder to fix Free
Play Gain or drag, the clutch disks might be worn. Excessive
heat or clutch slip can cause premature clutch failure as well.
Once extreme temperatures are reached, irreversible
damage will occur.
Inspect all of your clutch parts for signs of wear or
excessive heat, and replace components as necessary.
Clutch wear is dependent on the riders use.
Measuring the clutch pack and/or the EXP disk can help
determine if the components need replacing. See the
attached Setup Sheet for the specific clutch pack