Fabricated from VitaTex, a unique new fabric that does not
retain moisture, VitaGloves are designed for users with
limitedgripping ability. They feature a unique cupped
design to enclose the entire hand, especially the thumbs.
The material contains numerous pores to permit air circulation.
VitaGloves are a perfect choice to assist with gripping any item that has a handle.
VitaGlove Features:
100% machine washable
Available in two sizes
Large: Fits wrists from 7.25”-10”
Small: Fits wrists from 5.5”-7.25”
Fabricated with a vinyl binding, polypropylene webbing, and Velcro fastenings.
Tri-Post Adaptors
Adapts to any VitaGlide handle. Locks the wrist in
place to enable users with very limited grip to use the
VitaGlide independently without gloves.
Installation and Use Instructions
When installing the Tri-Post Adaptors, make sure that the
two adaptors are oriented properly. The Adaptor for the left side of the unit is
marked with two dots. The Adaptor for the right side of the unit is marked with
one dot.
Remove the two back screws from the handle. Position the Adaptor on the
appropriate side and attach to the handle & car using the longer screws provid-
ed with the Tri-Post Adaptor Kit.
To use the Tri-Post Adaptors, position the user’s hand around the handle and
snug the two support posts against the wrist. Be sure the support posts do not
rub against the wrist during use.