i) Setting the Rudder Deflections
Setting the neutral position
Switch on the transmitter and put the trim values for all
control channels into the centre position. Then connect the
flight battery to the flight controller.
The rear edges of the aileron must be flush with the rear
edge of the wings in the outer area.
The rudder must follow the profile course of the vertical
stabiliser. It must not be deflected to the left or right. A
wrong position of the rudder or the aileron can be recog-
nised best by viewing the model from the rear at a short
The front edge of the elevators (see interrupted auxiliary
line item 1) must match the mark at the vertical stabiliser
Check the control of all rudders and adjust the control rods
by twisting the clevises if necessary.
In order to mechanically adjust the elevator linkage (3), the
elevator unit must be removed and the vertical stabiliser
cover (4) must be unscrewed.
Checking the rudder paths
The indicated values must be measured at the broadest
point of the respective rudder flap in each case.
On demand, the rudder paths must be set either at the
remote control or by swapping the clevises at the rudder
Figure 10
Figure 11