Pantone 534 Blue
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 485 Red
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 534 Blue
Rich Black -
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Red - 10/100/100/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Only if you REALLY need them:
Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5
Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5
Pantone 123 Yellow - 0/27/100/
2) The LCD screen will display <x.x um>. Operating is different in
Continuous Mode and Single Mode, see the “Measuring Mode”
section for more details. Then, raise the probe at least 10cm (4”)
away from the metal substrate.
3) Press and hold the Zero Calibration Button for about 1.5 seconds.
When the LCD screen displays “0.0 um”, the calibration is finished.
4) Repeat this procedure several times. The calibration system always
saves the mean value of the previous calibration point.
: You can delete the old Zero-point Calibration before making a
new Zero-point Calibration via the Menu. The meter calculates
the means of a max of 5 calibration readings. When full, the
newest calibration value will replace the oldest calibration value.
We suggest that you make a Zero Calibration when starting any
One-point Calibration
This method is recommended for high precision measurements, measure-
ments on small parts, and on hardened and low-alloy steel.
1) Zero-point Calibrate according to the Zero-point Calibration in-
2) Lay the calibration foil on an uncoated sample, apply the probe and
raise it if steady. Press Up or Down to adjust required foil thick-
ness. The thickness of the foil should be roughly equivalent to the
estimated coating thickness.
3) Repeat Step 2 about 5 times. It will get the mean value of previous
calibration readings.
4) Now take readings by placing the probe on the coating and raise it
if steady. It may be necessary to delete calibration, e.g. after entry
of a faulty calibration value: MENU->delete->delete group data
: It will delete all data, limit data, one-point and two-point
calibrations except for zero-point calibration). This will reactivate
the default basic calibration for use on even surfaces.
continued ...
1-877-849-2127 | [email protected]