RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android Technical Reference Manual
Version : 2.0
July 2020
13 Concurrent Mode
Concurrent mode is the mechanism in which Onebox-Mobile can be operated in AP and Client modes
simultaneously.User can create a virtual interface as client mode on one interface and as AP mode on other
Below are the Steps to operate the device in concurrent Mode.
Ensure that present in the release folder has valid driver mode and coexistence mode.
DRIVER_MODE=1 (End to End mode)
COEX_MODE = 3 (AP + Station
multiple vaps)
13.1 Installation Procedure
13.1.1 Creating VAP in Client Mode
Insert the driver using script which is present in following folder.
$ sh
Create VAP in client mode using command.
$. /onebox_util rpine0 create_vap <vap name> sta sw_bmiss
For example: ./onebox_util rpine0 create_vap wifi0 sta sw_bmiss
After issuing the above command virtual interface with the specified interface name “wifi0” will be created. User
can view the list of interfaces using the following command.
Make sure the appropriate settings are present in the sta_settings.conf file. Please refer the section 4.4.1 for the
configuration details for different security modes.
After the configuration settings run the supplicant using the following command
$. /wpa_supplicant –i <vap_name> –Dbsd –c sta_settings.conf –ddddt >log&
Ex:./wpa_supplicant –i wifi0 –Dbsd –c sta_settings.conf –ddddt >log&
For example: If user creates the virtual interface with the name “wifi0” in client mode then the
supplicant should be run on that interface only