Redback® Proudly Made In Australia
Redback® A 4498
Network Connection Pack
The network and serial parameters on the Serial-to-Ethernet Converter (D 4231) need to be configured prior to installation.
Before starting setup, the following information should be known (if required):
1) Admin login details: The Serial-To-Ethernet Converter (D 4231) does not have the ability to hide it’s configuration
page, and it is protected by only an ID + password combination. For security reasons, these should be changed
from the default.
2) Static IPv4 address on Ethernet network for the Serial-To-Ethernet Converter (D 4231) to occupy.
(Note: The system does not support IPv6 addresses. Setup using DHCP is not directly supported, and will not be covered here).
3) Communication port (optional).
The default communication port is 23. If there are issues using this port, it can be changed.
Make note of the port used (23 or alternate) as this is required by the configuration software, alongside the
device IP.
4) Network gateway IPv4 (optional).
If access to the compatible Redback® product is required from outside the Ethernet network the adaptor is
plugged into, or access is required from a different subnet, the IP of the gateway device is required (this is typically
the network router)
Serial-to-Ethernet Converter (D 4231) configuration
Out-of-the-box, the D 4231 is configured to occupy a fixed IP of This will need to be changed to a suitable IP
on the target ethernet network.
To achieve this, a PC with a configurable network adaptor is required. The two most common methods are either to use a
laptop’s ethernet connection (while it’s detached from all other Ethernet networks), or a USB-Ethernet adaptor (D2330B).
Fig 2. Redback D 4231
Fig 3. Redback D 2330B
If using a USB-Ethernet adaptor (D 2330B), plug it into the PC via the USB connector.
Configure the PC Ethernet adaptor to reside on the ‘2’ subnet:
Follow the steps below.
Open “Ethernet Settings” by opening the start menu (Windows button, or by clicking the Start menu icon) and type in
“Ethernet Settings. The Ethernet Settings menu should be the first result as shown in figure 4.
Fig 4. Ethernet Settings page