Putting open source to the test: The making of JBoss Enterprise Middleware
creating JBoss enterPrise middleware
OPEn sOurcE fOr thE EntErPrisE
As open source components have gradually become ubiquitous in some of the largest IT infrastructures in
the world, companies that deliver open source software have evolved their business models and internal
processes to help both enterprise IT organizations and ISVs take full advantage of the software’s benefits
while mitigating or eliminating many of the intrinsic challenges. One very important result of this evolution
is JBoss Enterprise Middleware, a comprehensive portfolio of certified, enterprise-class open source soft
ware products. Enterprise architects can use JBoss Enterprise Middleware to create complete middleware
reference architectures that support the entire application lifecycle.
JBoss Enterprise Middleware products, available to customers with support subscriptions, represent the
best of both worlds — the dynamic, community-based innovation of open source software, with the stabil-
ity and support traditionally associated with commercial software products. JBoss Enterprise Middleware
eliminates many of the challenges associated with typical open source projects by:
Aggregating open source components into well-defined products,
eliminating much of
the integration and testing burden of working with granular components and also simplifying
software management.
Ensuring production-level quality and stability
through a broad and deep testing process,
reducing validation time for IT organizations, and minimizing downtime and troubleshooting.
Testing for performance and scalability
under enterprise workload conditions.
Certifying products on a wide variety of JVM and operating system combinations,
confusion and extra work for IT organizations.
delivering new capabilities on a predictable, structured release schedule,
insulating companies
from the chaos and potential instability associated with constant innovation, while enabling them
to absorb new capabilities in an organized way.
localizing software and documentation
for major languages.
guaranteeing support for each new version
(major or minor) for at least five years from release date.
Indemnifying companies
against potential intellectual property infringement related to product code.
Providing a complete, professional line of documentation and training
for each product to improve
development efficiency.
Offering a range of technical support slAs
to meet enterprise IT requirements, along with expertise
that IT organizations can call upon when needed.