Putting open source to the test: The making of JBoss Enterprise Middleware
PrOViding EntErPrisE-quAlity suPPOrt And sErVicE
It can be difficult for even the best support staff to provide high-quality service for software downloaded
from open source community projects. With constantly changing code, many different versions in use, and
components that can be combined in a multitude of ways, even highly trained staff may find it quite chal
lenging to replicate a customer’s problem or propose a solution.
JBoss Enterprise Middleware products, in contrast, represent stable releases well known to the technical
staff who are trained to support those products and versions and can provide both IT organizations and
ISVs with the expert help they need. Of course, the best technical support is the one you don’t have to
use — but even with the high levels of quality provided in JBoss Enterprise Middleware products, software
will always require some level of support. To ensure that your middleware support relationship delivers
value over the long term, you should select a support organization with proven technical expertise and
high levels of customer satisfaction.
PlAtfOrM cErtificAtiOn: bEhind thE scEnEs
For an example of the testing difference between
JBoss.org projects and JBoss Enterprise Middleware,
consider the JBoss Application Server. This compo-
nent was typically released to the JBoss.org commu-
nity after it passed two suites of tests — one suite of
unit tests and another suite of compatibility matrix
tests. While these test suites were substantial, with
close to 4,000 tests each, they were run on a single
JVM (Sun 1.5 JVM) and on a single platform
(Red Hat Enterprise Linux). In contrast, for the
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, which in-
cludes JBoss Application Server and over 15 other
integrated JBoss.org projects, the enterprise test
suites are run against more than 16 different JVM/
OS combinations before release, with post-release
testing that continues to expand the number of plat-
form combinations. All of the tested and certified
combinations are published to ensure that custom-
ers adopting JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
know exactly which testing has been done and
whether the product has been tested and certified
for their platforms of choice.
sAMPlE list Of cErtifiEd
PlAtfOrM cOMbinAtiOns
BEA JRockit JVM on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 4 x86 and x86_64
BEA JRockit JVM on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5 x86 and x86_64
BEA JRockit JVM on
Windows 2003 x86 and x86_64
HP JVM on HP-UX 11i IA64 and PA-RISC
Sun JVM on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5 x86 and x86_64
Sun JVM on Solaris 9
Sun JVM on Solaris 10
Sun JVM on Windows 2003
x86 and x86_64
Sun JVM on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 4 x86 and x86-64