Putting open source to the test: The making of JBoss Enterprise Middleware
But product testing does not stop with functional testing. Each JBoss Enterprise Middleware product has a
defined set of test criteria that must be passed before a release (major, minor, or patch) is delivered to cus
tomers. This process requires testing on a wide range of platforms, configurations, and load conditions as
described in the following sections. It also includes installation and management testing.
“the Jboss Enterprise Application Platform was able to deliver
the performance that was required and had the professional
support necessary to enable us to confidently deploy the
software in a production environment.”
- Per-Ola sjöswärd, Executive it strategist, swedish national Police board
cErtifying PlAtfOrM And dAtAbAsE cOMPAtibility
For open source projects, the nature and extent of platform testing depends heavily on the platforms avail-
able to developers and the time they want to devote to platform testing vs. development of new features.
As a result, most open source software is tested only on a single common platform. But developers have
long known that differences in operating systems and other platform components can lead to compatibility
problems and that software must be tested on the platform or platforms on which it will run in production.
JBoss Enterprise Middleware products are tested with a wide range of Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
software and operating system software to ensure that they meet enterprise requirements (see sidebar).
In addition, key middleware integration points such as database connectivity are tested with leading
relational database platforms including:
Microsoft SQL Server