(Alternate) Installing Directory Server with setup-ds
New Directory Server instances can be created through the Directory Server Console; this
is described in the
Directory Server Administrator's Guide
6.2.2. (Alternate) Installing Directory Server with setup-ds
There is also a command called
. This command creates an instance of Directory
Server that is not managed by the Directory Server Console. It works exactly the same way as
except that the questions about the Configuration Directory Server and
Administration Server are omitted. Using this command to create a Directory Server instance means
that the instance has to be managed through the command line or other tools, or it can be registered
with the Configuration Directory Server to manage it with the Console. See
Section 6.2.3, “Registering
an Existing Directory Server Instance with the Configuration Directory Server”
for more information.
6.2.3. Registering an Existing Directory Server Instance with the
Configuration Directory Server
The Configuration Directory Server uses the
database to store information about
the Directory Servers and Administration Servers in your network. This is used by the Console and the
Administration Servers. This database can belong to a separate Directory Server instance, called the
Configuration Directory Server
. There is an option when an instance is first set up to register it with a
Configuration Directory Server. It is possible to
an existing Directory Server instance with a
Configuration Directory Server using the
creates a default instance of the Administration Server
and Configuration Directory Server if they do not already exist, then registers any existing
Directory Servers with the Configuration Directory Server.
6.2.4. Updating and Re-registering Directory Server Instances
If the Directory Server instances become broken or outdated, the packages can be updated using
option. This command looks for every local Directory Server instance, prompts for the
Configuration Directory information, then re-registers each instance with the Configuration Directory.
The update and registration process replaces any missing or outdated packages.
/usr/sbin/setup-ds-admin.pl -u
6.3. Silent Setup
Silent setup uses a file to predefine all the Directory Server configuration parameters that are normally
supplied interactively with the setup program. The silent functionality allows you to script the setup of
multiple instances of Directory Server.