TO resTOre FaCTOry CUrrenT CalIBraTIOn
1. Connect the resistive load band and test voltmeter to the
welding output terminals.
2. Put dipswitch 1 in the on position.
3. Rotate the Hot Start knob and Arc Control knob to the
4. Turn on the Red-D-Arc FX360LX.
5. The display should read “Cur CAL”.
6. Rotate the Arc Control knob until the display reads “Fct Cur”.
7. Rotate the Hot Start knob until a message scrolls across the
8. Toggle the Local/Remote switch to save the calibration.
9. The display should flash “CAL SEt”.
TO resTOre FaCTOry vOlTaGe CalIBraTIOn
1. Connect the resistive load band and test voltmeter to the
welding output terminals.
2. Put dipswitch 1 in the on position.
3. Rotate the Hot Start knob and Arc Control knob to the
4. Turn on the Red-D-Arc FX360LX.
5. The display should read “Cur CAL”.
6. Rotate the Arc Control knob until the display reads “Fct VoL”.
7. Rotate the Hot Start knob until a message scrolls across the
8. Toggle the Local/Remote switch to save the calibration.
9. The display should flash “CAL SEt”.