Kit / PowerCom4 Operational Notes
The unit default baud rate is 115200. The unit does not echo characters (for
communications efficiency), so you must select "echo characters locally" or "half
duplex" in your PC communications program. Also, all return strings are terminated
by a <return> only, so you need to specify “add line feed to line return” as well.
The internal demo starts with an optional touch calibration. In order for the touch
screen to work reliably ensure the LCD frame is grounded to the SLCD+ mounting
The demo requires a certain set of bitmaps to be loaded. These are loaded as part of
the kit. If these are not present, it will not run correctly. Copies of these are provided
in the "BMPs and Macros" directory on the CD provided. Use the BMPload program
and load the demo.lst and macros.mac files to restore the demo.
The SW1 “RESET” button on the PowerCom4 board resets the SLCD+ processor
and performs the equivalent of a power-on reset.
The SW2 "SELECT” button on the PowerCom 4 board is intended for use with kits
that don't have a touch screen, and is not implemented on a standard kit.
Jumper JP1 is the “DEMO” serial loopback jumper that is installed at the factory in
order to automatically run the demo at power up. Remove the jumper prior to
attempting serial communications with SLCD+ controller.
The J1 barrel connector is the external power supply connector for the development
For kits with 12VDC input it is 2.1mm, center pin positive. For 5VDC input kits
it is 2.5mm center pin positive.
Connector J2 provides the communications path for the P1 “MAIN” RS232 serial
port. It connects to J6 of the SLCD+ controller. Connector J2 also provides 5VDC
power to the SLCD+ controller.
Connector J3 of the PowerCom4 board is the communications path for the P2 “AUX”
rs232 serial port. It connects to JP1 of the SLCD+ controller. This provides the path
for the “RESET”, and “SELECT” signal buttons. As well as the communications
path for downloading of bitmaps and macros to the SLCD+ controller.
Connector J4 is reserved for future use.
SLCD+ Controller Manual V1.1
Page 21