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Table 12 - LCD Electrical Requirements
Circuit Breaker
(Amps) Amps
LB/LW 225-600
LB/LW 750
*Use separate circuit breaker that is properly sized for
pump and pump contactor.
Line voltage fi eld wiring of any controls or other devices
must conform to the temperature limitation of type T wire
above room temperature. Use copper
conductors with a minimum size of #14 awg. Use
appropriate wiring materials for units installed outdoors.
The wire size must be compatible with the total amp
draw of the circuit.
Refer to the wiring diagram supplied with the boiler/
water heater for proper wiring connections.
WARNING: Before proceeding read and fully
understand the instructions contained in this
manual. Do not attempt to operate this boiler/
water heater if it has not been installed in
accordance with the guidelines set forth in this
manual. Failure to comply with this warning can
result in extensive property damage, severe
personal injury or death!
Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut
off, turn off the manual gas control valve to the
appliance. Do not interrupt water fl ow through the boiler/
water heater.
En cas de surchauffe ou si l'alimentation en gaz ne
s'arrête pas, fermez manuellement le robinet d'arrêt de
l'admission de gaz.
Hydronic Heating Boilers
Open the make-up water valve and slowly fi ll the boiler
and all of the radiation with water. Ensure that all bleed
and drain valves are closed.
Adjust the make-up water pressure regulator so a
12 psig
83 kPa
system pressure is
maintained at the highest point in the system piping. If
a make-up water pump is used adjust it to maintain a
12 psig
83 kPa
system pressure.
Open the system bleed and drain valves one at a time
to purge the air trapped in the heating system piping.
When applicable, provisions for vent, bleed and gas
relief lines must be made in accordance with the latest
revision of ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
Safe lighting and other performance criteria were met
with the gas manifold and control assembly provided on
the boiler. All gas connections MUST be leak tested
before putting the boiler into operation.
WARNING: Never use an open fl ame to test for
gas leaks. Always use an approved leak
detection method. Failure to comply with this
warning can cause extensive property damage,
severe personal injury or death!
Whenever the gas supply piping is pressure tested the
boiler/water heater gas controls must be protected. If the
test pressure is equal to, or less than
1/2 psig
3.5 kPa
isolate the boiler/water heater by closing it's manual shut
off valve, see Figure 16. If the test pressure is greater
than, or equal to
1/2 psig,
3.5 kPa
, disconnect the
boiler/water heater and its individual shut-off valve.
Electrical Power Connections
CAUTION:Label all wires prior to disconnection
when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause
improper and dangerous operation! Verify proper
operation after servicing.
ATTENTION. Au moment de l'entretien des
commandes, étiquetez tous les fi ls avant de les
débrancher. Des erreurs de câblage peuvent
e n t r a î n e r u n fo n c t i o n n e m e n t i n a d é q u a t e t
dangereux. S'assurer que l'appareil fonctionne
adéquatement une fois l'entretirn terminé.
The electrical connections to this boiler/water heater
must be made in accordance with all applicable local
codes and the latest revision of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA-70. Installation should also conform
with CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code Part I if
installed in Canada.
Install a separate 120 volt 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker
for the boiler/water heater and pump, see Table 12.
A properly rated shut-off switch should be located at the
boiler/water heater. The boiler/water heater must be
grounded in accordance with the authority having
jurisdiction, or if none, the latest revision of the National
Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA-70.