Working with Templates
When testing many of the same transformers, it is possible to create a new transformer Profile as a
Template. Creating a Profile Template allows editing of parameters, Names, s/n etc..
Use this option, if you have to measure many transformers of the same
To make a Template review the instructions on making a Profile in chapter Create a new
Profile on page 72 but after all parameters have been entered press "->Temp" instead of "Go".
After creating a new Profile and pressing “->
Temp”, rename the template with another name
other than the date and the time which are
displayed by default.
Edit any other information (Type, Location etc)
as required for the Template.
The new profile will be created with a minimum
of information, and it will be stored in the archive
of the instrument. In the S/N (serial number)
field, The name "Template" will be entered by
Instruction Manual Winding Resistance Meter
Type WR100 / WR50 / WR14
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