A Raytech T-Base
A.1 T-Base Lite
T-Base Lite is intended for users preferring simplicity over complexity of the Pro version. It is
limited to the basic functions of USB interface, data import from device, data export to filesystem,
and automatic firmware updates. Data can be exported in many popular data formats such as
excel, word, text, .csv, .xml, crystal reports, and .html. Measurements can be saved as archive files
as well and imported into the database of the T-Base Pro version. This software is as download
available and completely free.
A.2 T-Base Pro
T-Base Pro is a powerful set of tools for data exchange, remote control, visual measurement data
analysis, test automation and much more. It comes with a fully integrated database management
system for storing measurement data as well as with a fully customizable reporting system which
can generate test reports in the most widely used document formats. It uses an advanced add-on
system which makes it suitable for integration with external systems. To extend according to your
needs a rich API interface and MS Visual Studio templates are available.
More information on Raytech homepage.
90315-1.2 Instruction Manual CAPO
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