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6.3 Settings for CAN /485 bus pins
Confirm that the CANL/485B DIP switch is set to SW4 which pin is used for CAN
high signal by inverter (4-CANH/485A), and the CANL/485B DIP switch is set to
SW5 which pin is used for CAN low signal by inverter (5-CANL/485B).
As SW3 the CAN/485 GND/DIP switch, installer should confirm which pin is used for
ground by inverter or not.
The battery default protocol is CAN bus, if an inverter communication
mode is RS485 or other protocol, please contact RAYSTECH customer
careline before installed the battery.
7 Commissioning
7.1 Commissioning battery
If there is only one battery installed, use the following steps to put it in operation:
1) Press and hold the panel button on the left side of the unit for about 4s, after
the indicator lights on, release the panel button.
2) Make sure that the Run light is on. If it stays off, do not use the battery and
contact RAYSTECH or your distributor.
3) Turn the inverter on, and wait for the start-up sequence to complete fully.
When there are two or more batteries connected with parallel mode, after the
charging cable and the data cable has been connected correctly, follow these steps
to put them in operation:
1) Check battery voltage level is above 48V
If battery voltage is under 48V contact your distributor or RAYSTECH after
service customer careline for help.
2) Press and HOLD the panel button for about 4s, after four seconds the indicator
lights will turn on.