RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – Installation
doSe mAnAgeR InStAllAtIon
SyStem ReqUIRementS
• operating systems: windows 7, windows vista or windows XP
• .net 3.5
• one USb port available
• 2 gb of system memory available
• 40 gb hard drive with at least 15 gb of memory available
• Recommended screen resolution at least 1280 x 1024
dose manager and real time display are connected using the local hospital network. A network connection can
also be established using a crossed tP cable.
follow the instructions below to install the dose manager application and the cradle driver:
Do not connect the cradle to the computer until the cradle driver is installed.
1. log on as local administrator on the computer on which to install dose manager.
2. Insert the dose manager Cd into the computer’s Cd drive. the dose manager install wizard will start
3. Insert the license key that is written on the label on the dose manager box.
4. follow the instructions on the screen.
5. Check the box “launch dose manager” to start the dose manager application. the installation procedure
will finish by creating a dose manager icon on the desktop.
6. Connect the cradle to the computer using the USb cable. dose manager will detect the cradle within 30
7. Connect real time display and dose manager to the hospital network or directly connect them via a crossed
tP cable.
If the installation procedure fails, verify that: