0049-2702-XXX Alliance Series Modems – USER MANUAL
Rev. A
Page 152 of 197
Front Panel Control
From screen 2 of the MAIN MENU, select RMT, and then select TEST. From the REMOTE
TEST menu, select RDL.
From the REMOT DIGIT LOOP screen, select ON to activate the test. The status screen will be
displayed as the test is being conducted. Ensure that test data is being generated. Watch for data
errors. By transmitting test data and comparing it with the received copy, the modems as well as
the telephone line can be checked for proper operation.
To end the test, press the ENT pushbutton to return to the REMOT DIGIT LOOP screen, and
then select OFF.
Pin 21 Control
The RDL test can also be activated by positive voltage on TIA/EIA pin 21 if the RDL-DTE
Ctrl’ed option is enabled.
Remote Digital Loopback Self Test (RDLST)
The RDLST tests the local modem, remote modem and telephone line from the local site as did
the previous test, except that the test data is generated by internal modem circuitry as opposed to
a DTE or external BERT. Figure 6-7 shows the connections automatically made during the test.
Figure 6-7. Remote digital loopback self test (RDLST)
Before initiating the test, make sure both modems are on-line.
(V.34 models only): When the Asymmetric Data Rates option is enabled, the RDLST test
is disabled.