Ravak shower seats come in two type versions. Seat of the OVO-P version is made out of acrylic and
comes in oval shape. The OVO-T version is a rectangle seat made out of "scrimplene" fabric.
The mounting and folding mechanism is the same for both seat versions.
To retain its
proper functioning, these products may be installed on the fixed bathroom walls only.
(See picture 1)
(See picture 2)
picture 3)
(See picture 4)
(See picture 3)
Place the seat to the chosen position in your shower enclosure. Make sure that the seat can´ t get in the way
of neither the shower mixing tap nor the shower door movement.
The recommended height of the seat is 460-480 mm; however, you can adjust it according to your
individual needs.
Use a water level to balance the seat properly. Mark out all its mounting openings on the wall, and put the
seat aside.
Drill 8 mm
holes 85 mm deep in the centers of all the positions marked out. Set the holes with plugs
ATTENTION: make sure you avoid the electricity, water and gas distribution under the plaster!!!
The screws and bolts included in the seat package are suitable for classical brick or concrete bathroom
walls. For walls from other materials (e.g. gypsumbord or similar) you therefore need to use connections of
appropriate construction and bearing power. The plugs must have minimum bearing power 6.5 kN.
Use appropriate force to tighten the fixing screws. If surface of the tiling under the desk of the seat is
uneven, we recommend you to apply some silicon to level it.
If the seat can´ t be installed assembled due to the conditions in your bathroom, you can take it apart. First
unscrew and take out the screws that hold the pivoted hinges, and take the hinges out as well; then
dismount the seat itself. Mount the desk onto the wall, and complete the seat again.
To clean and maintain the product, do never use any mechanical abrasive preparations (e.g. grinding
paste) or aggressive chemicals (e.g. thinners, acetone, etc). The manufacturer takes no responsibility for
any damages caused by inappropriate installation, using or maintenance of the product. Maintain the
product only by wiping the paint or chrome coated parts and plastic parts with special cleaning detergents.
The manufacturer recommends you to use the special RAVAK ANTICALC range of cleaners:
Ravak Cleaner serves to wash the old and murky dirt off your shower enclosures, glass fillings, frames,
acrylic bathtubs, washbasins, and water taps.
Ravak Desinfectant is a special detergent with strong antibacterial and fungicide effects.
The manufacturer reserves the privilege to innovate the products.
Warranty is valid for 24 months from the date of purchase.
For all the details concerning the installation, usage and maintenance, contact your authorized dealer.
Be careful not to pinch your fingers in the gap between the fixed and folding part of the seat!
Disposing of the packing materials and of the product after its lifetime:
Any further useful packing materials (e.g. cardboard, building paper, or PE foil) you can either use or recycle.
Packing materials you have no use for must be disposed of only in a safe way according to valid law
norms of each country.
After the lifetime of the product is up, please give all the useful parts (e.g. metal) for further use or for
recycling as usual according to the law norms of the country.
RAVAK a.s.,
Obecnická 285, 261 01 Pøíbram I
Czech republic
tel.: 00420 318 427 200, 427 111
fax: 00420 318 427 269, 427 278
e-mail: [email protected]
Shower Seat