TC4411 CPU3 for
lates these tones into commands that the associated video
player can understand. There are only two types of pro-
gramming for this line: selecting the line type, and enter-
ing optional automatic control signals.
Media-Line Type A:4
Program each MR1OO’s line as “A:4.” Turn off all the re-
maining “A” Attributes and
3-8. Select the
first two “B” Attributes according to the next subsection.
Automatic Setup Signals
Users prefer having a player “ready to go” when they
first connect with its media line. The major responsibility
for effecting this state of readiness will fall upon a staff
member assigned to the media center. Among other
things, this person will see to it that the players are turned
on, loaded with the desired programs, and properly cued.
The Telecenter system offers an
of supple-
menting this setup. You can program each media line to
automatically receive one set of DTMF tones when a user
first calls and assumes control of a player, and another set
of DTMF tones when the user relinquishes control of it or
the Media Center uses the #24 function to end a user’s
control. Neither set is sent when the Media Center uses #24
to assign a player to another phone, when a user hangs up
without relinquishing control of the player, or that user
subsequently calls the player back. Selecting the tones
will depend primarily upon the type of player involved.
Laser-Disk Players: A representative example would
be sending the initializing tones for zero (0) and asterisk
(*). This will set the keypad to the function mode and put
the image on the screen, so that the user can immediately
begin operating the player or specify “frame” or “chapter”
before entering its number. The need for this resetting
arises from the standard way of releasing a laser-disk
player, which is to enter the numeric mode and hang up.
VCRs: A representative ending tone would be sending
a “5” to “stop” the player and a “1” to “rewind” the tape
for the next user. A possible initializing tone would be
sending a “2” to start playing the tape.
Programming the Signals: There are two steps to
establishing these automatic signals: listing them in the
appropriate Location Codes, and setting each media (A:4)
line’s first two “B” Attributes to select the Location Codes
with the desired tones.
To accommodate different kinds of players, you can list
three different sets of tones. Each set can consist of two
parts: a group of initializing tones (sent when the user
calls the line and gains control of the player) and a group
of ending tones (sent when the user ends control of the
player, by pressing “0” and hanging up).
The table at the top of the next column, describes the
three sets. The “Sclcctor Attributes” column tells how to
u s e a media line’s
“B” Attributes
to select the desired pair
of Location Codes. If you want only initializing or only
ending tones
in a set, simply leave that set’s other Location
Code blank (0).
T h e Telecenter system sends the tones in the order that
they are listed in these Location C o d e s . T h e f o l l o w i n g
Selecting Initializing and Ending Tones
Set Location Code Selector Attributes
1 64274 (initializing) B: 1_
64276 (ending)
2 64298 (initializing) B: 2
64300 (ending)
64302 (initializing)
64304 (ending)
Note: Omit
B:l and B:2 for no initializing tones.
formula shows how to compute the number to be stored
at a Location Code to get a specific tone sequence:
number =
Tone 1 + (Tone
2 x 16) + (Tone
3 x
+(Tone 4 x 4096)
Obtain the numbers of the desired tones from the table
below. Enter the tones in a Location Code in the order
you want them sent. You can set a Location Code to “0”
for no tones or program it for one tone to four tones.
Programming Codes for Phone Keys
“‘Ignore further entries in
this Location
Code”-do not
signal”-do not use.
not use.
‘“Quiet, no tone”-do
not use.