TC4411 CPU3 for TCIV Plus
changes to selected parts or all of the user programming.
Simply consult the table below, add the “bits” for each
function you want disabled, and enter the total in Loca-
tion Code 64100. For example, to disable all functions,
enter “15” (1+2+4+8).
Function to be Disabled
#96 97, 98,
and 99 functions disabled. Display
phones cannot
change EEPROM data (see the
note below).
2 #31 Night-answer user switching disabled.
4 #73, 74, 75, and 76 diagnostic
functions disabled.
Monitor “Go” function, serial-port changes to the
8 EEPROM, and output commands are all disabled
(see the note below).
Note: Even when the "#” and “Monitor” functions are
disabled, you can still review the current settings.
Technical Information
The following information is for technicians diagnosing
the system.
Baud-Bate Selector (Location 64268)
This setting controls the rate at which data can travel
through the serial port, used by a computer for diagnostic
purposes. This Location Code sets the initial baud rate
after the
has been turned on or reset. Select the
appropriate entry from the following:
0 300 baud
1 1200 baud
2 2400 baud
3 4800 baud
4 9600 baud
19,200 baud (not used by the TCPU3)
Note: Entering any other number at this Location Code
will select the default setting of 1200 baud. Adding “128”
to this Location Code will prevent the CPU3 from adjust-
ing its baud rate in response to the TCPU3 program.
Trap Vector
64270 Trap-Address Offset.
64272 Trap-Address Segment.
Additional Monitor Commands
the Segment Address to "xxxx" (it also
sets the Link Number for node commands).
“xxxxc=” sets
the Offset Address to “xxxx” (it also sets
the Physical Number for node commands).
node command executes the command “n”
below and returns the line status.
The Commands
0 Take no action but report status.
Connect the specified
line to the specified link.
Turn on the speaker relay.
4 Turn off speaker relay.
5 Turn on the single-link phone relay.
6 Turn off the single-link phone relay.
7 Create an active-list record if none already exists.
8 Delete the active-list record.
The status is reported as four characters,
a = “+” (off
hook), “-" (on hook), “N” (no hybrid).
b = “N” (no input to “T”), “R” (resistor),
or “G” (ground).
= “V”
or “v” for not activated.
d = “A”
if the line is active, “a” if it is not.
Menu Function
Dial this code from a display phone to see a list with
descriptions of all the “# + number” programming codes.
Enter any digit to see the first code beginning with that
digit (e.g., press “7” to see “#73,” “#74,” etc.). Press “#"
to step through the codes in numerical order.
Time and Date Display
All Telecenter displays show the time and date.
Step 3.
When the setting is satisfactory, press “#.”
battery on the CPU will maintain them while the system » The display will read:
is off. The time can be synchronized by an associated 2490
Master Clock.
Minute XX (n, #)
Setting the Time and Date
Step 1. Dial “#55.”
4. If necessary, enter a new value. When the
» The display will read:
desired one is shown, press “#.”
» The display will read:
Hour XX (n, #)
A M ,
P M , Mil
2. To change the
hour, use the dial pad to type
5. Type “A” (AM), “P” (PM), or “M” (24-hour
the new one. Always use
a two-digit number (e.g., “09”).
Military time).
The hour digits will show the new setting.