Step 5. Observing polarity requirements, wire-wrap the twisted pair from each Multi-Link
phone to the
appropriate Line-Link Module terminals representing their assigned physical
number. Refer to
the Physical Numbers Layout Planning Worksheet
and the appropriate
wiring diagram from the following list for stations equipped with Multi-Link Telephones:
Speaker and Priority Switch
KM0684 DTMF Keypad
Step 6.
Step 7.
Step 8.
Step 9.
Connect the shielded pair from the “C” connector of each TC4200 VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent
Display) and the "Y" and “B” terminals of each display telephone’s modular connector to the
appropriate LCD 1 or 2 inputs on the MI0 (Main Input/Output Module in the TC4001).
Refer to the following drawings as appropriate.
TC400 1 Wiring Diagram
Modular Receptacle Display Phone detail
66E Junction Box
TC4200 Vacuum Fluorescent Display
TM432 Graphic Annunciator Modules (GAM)
are installed, ensure their power is off and
connect a shielded pair from the appropriate MI0 graphics driver to the first GAM module (in
the first or second module chain) as required to achieve the desired indication (described
below). Refer to Drawing KM0674 for wiring information.
Wire Graphics 1 to the first GAM module in one chain to indicate Call-ins.
Wire Graphics 2 to a the first GAM module in a second module chain to show lines
in use.
All TM432 GAMs in a chain must be installed in the same location.
The recom-
mended installation for the modules and the lamp power supply is in the lamp
cabinet with only a shielded data line to the main equipment rack.
indications is another option and requires a
special pulse generator,
5 Vdc logic pulses, between ground and the first Graphics Annunciator
Remove each LLM which supports an Interconnect Line,
a VCM, or a Special
Page Line.
Then, locate the
“Ul” line hybrid associated with these lines and ensure pin 3 is cut.
will prevent the 90 Vrms ring signal from damaging the COAs or other modules. This step
should have been performed in the factory for factory installed TC4 160 VCMs and TC417 1
Refer to the main wiring diagram KM0674 and verify all other connections (audio control
panels, power amps, system clock, etc.) have been properly made. Wherever possible, these
are factory installed. However, large amplifiers may be temporarily removed from a rack for
shipment. If so, they should be mounted and connected to existing wiring.
© 1989
Rauland-Borg Corporation (Orig.
10/88; Rev. l/89) Page11 of20