RoboPi v1.00
User Manual v0.85
Copyright 2014 William Henning
RoboPi is the most advanced robot controller add-on board for the Raspberry Pi available at this time.
RoboPi adds an eight-core 32-bit microcontroller running at 100Mhz to the Raspberry Pi in order to
off-load hard real time I/O and allow more precise timing than Linux running on the Pi allows.
RoboPi stacked on top of a Model A
Raspberry Pi
RoboPi can also be stacked on top of
Model B Raspberry Pi's
RoboPi Features
Parallax Propeller P8X32 eight core 32 bit Risc microcontroller running at 100Mhz
Each of the eight cores provides up to 25MIPS as most instructions take only 4 clock cycles
three ten-pin Mikronauts I/O module expansion connectors (P0-P7, P8-P15, P16-P23)
24 servo compatible headers on P0..P23
P0-P7 jumper selectable power from Pi's 5VDC supply or external servo power supply
P8-P15 jumper selectable power from Pi's 5VDC supply or external servo power supply
P16-P23 is powered by 5V from the Pi expansion header for sensors
Screw terminal for providing external power for Servo connectors P0-P15
8 servo compatible headers for an eight channel 0-5V analog to digital converter with choice of
MCP3008 for 10 bit A/D conversion
MCP3208 for 12 bit A/D conversion
Choice of 256Kbit or 512Kbit boot EEPROM for the Propeller
On-board voltage regulation providing 3.3V with power on LED from the 5V on the Pi header
4 pin I2C expansion header for the Raspberry Pi
4 pin I2C expansion header for the Propeller
5 pin HCOM connector for use with PropPlug in stand alone operation (optional)
Mikronauts EZasPi prototyping board can stack below RoboPi
Mikronauts Pi Jumper can stack on top of RoboPi
Mikronauts SchoolBoard ][ and other Propeller products are compatible with RoboPi