RoboPi v1.00
User Manual v0.85
Copyright 2014 William Henning
Appendix D: RoboProp Software Compatibility:
use the supplied 6.250Mhz crystal for 100Mhz operation
use 24LC512 EEPROM
use MCP3208
While there is no motor driver on RoboPi, if you connect a two channel motor controller as follows it
will be RoboProp compatible:
Tie EN1-2 and EN3-4 high
P8 to IN1
P9 to IN2
P10 to IN3
P11 to IN4
If you want to have a uSD card compatible with RoboProp, attach it as follows:
P12 to MISO
P13 to MOSI
P14 to CLK
P15 to /CS