productivity software
cloud-based apps, 136–139
The Gimp, 141–143
LibreOffice suite, 139–141
programming skills, need for, 1–3
project board, 212
protocols, 204
prototyping boards, 254–262
PS/2 connectors, 25
pull-up resistors, 223
command, 61
push-button controllers, 232
push-buttons, 205
file extension, 177, 179
pygame, 184–193
pygame (website), 193
instructions, 186
module, 185
calculator program, 182–184
comments, 180
communicating over networks, 193–199
further reading, 199
Hello World example, 174–178
interactive programs, 180–184
loops, 181
making programs executable, 179
overview, 174
pygame, 184–193
shell mode, 175
using GPIO port, 223–232
variables, 181
Python Simple Programs wiki (website), 184
Python User Groups (PIGgies) (website), 199
flag, 128
option, 248
Radio Shack (website), 209
RAM (random access memory), 15, 16, 17
file, 114
random access memory (RAM), 15, 16, 17
module, Python, 185
Raspberry Pi
camera module, 234–248
community, 7–8
damage due to careless GPIO connections,
222, 225
history, 3–8
Linux distributions, 20, 36, 49, 61
Model A, 16–17
Model B, 17–18
mounting external devices, 50–51
need for, 1–3
overview, 14–16
potential of, 8–9
power supply, 15, 26, 32–33
productivity software, 136–143
Raspbian distribution, 34–39, 45–48
Raspbmc distribution, 128–134
warranty, 117, 118
as web server, 146–154
website, 7
Raspberry Pi Configuration Tool (
), 96–105, 238
Raspberry Pi Foundation (website), 27
Raspberry Pi User Guide (website), 192, 199,
206, 266
Raspberry Snake game, 184–193, 266–268
program, 184–193
Raspbian distribution
alternatives, 49
installing, 34–39
overview, 45
preferences, 48
software packages, 46–48
Raspbmc distribution, 49
installation and setup, 128–129
Internet media, streaming, 129–131
local network media, streaming, 131–133
settings, 133–134
about screen, 105
boot to desktop, 96
change hostname, 102–103
change user password, 96
enable camera mode, 99, 238
filesystem expansion, 95–96
internationalisation, 97–98
memory partition, 103–104
overclock, 100–101
overscan, 102
Rastrack, 99
Summary of Contents for A
Page 1: ......
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Page 3: ...Raspberry Pi User Guide 2nd Edition...
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Page 5: ...Raspberry Pi User Guide 2nd Edition Eben Upton and Gareth Halfacree...
Page 10: ......
Page 26: ...R A S P B E R R Y P I U S E R G U I D E S E C O N D E D I T I O N 10...
Page 28: ......
Page 29: ...Chapter 1 Meet the Raspberry Pi...
Page 37: ...Chapter 2 Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi...
Page 56: ......
Page 57: ...Chapter 3 Linux System Administration...
Page 79: ...Chapter 4 Troubleshooting...
Page 89: ...Chapter 5 Network Configuration...
Page 109: ...Chapter 6 The Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool...
Page 122: ......
Page 123: ...Chapter 7 Advanced Raspberry Pi Configuration...
Page 140: ......
Page 141: ...Chapter 8 The Pi as a Home Theatre PC...
Page 151: ...Chapter 9 The Pi as a Productivity Machine...
Page 160: ......
Page 161: ...Chapter 10 The Pi as a Web Server...
Page 172: ......
Page 173: ...Chapter 11 An Introduction to Scratch...
Page 189: ...Chapter 12 An Introduction to Python...
Page 216: ......
Page 218: ......
Page 219: ...Chapter 13 Learning to Hack Hardware...
Page 234: ......
Page 235: ...Chapter 14 The GPIO Port...
Page 249: ...Chapter 15 The Raspberry Pi Camera Module...
Page 265: ...Chapter 16 Add on Boards...
Page 280: ......
Page 281: ...Appendix A Python Recipes...
Page 287: ...Appendix B Raspberry Pi Camera Module Quick Reference...
Page 293: ...Appendix C HDMI Display Modes...