Figure 3
Fan and the Lower - Upper Heating Element Function:
This is the position where the air is coming from the lower and upper heating elements is
circulated into the oven by the fan motor and blade.
Adjust the thermostat button of your oven to temperature recommended on the cooking
table for the cooking operation yo will perform. Turn the oven button so it will point to the
symbol of this funtion, adjust the oven timer to the recommended time for cooking and
preheat the oven for about 10 minutes. The food placed in a suitable container is put into
the oven and the operation is started. This position is position where usually very good
results are obtained in baking pastry. All parts of the foods will be cooked evenly in this
position .
Suitable for cooking with one tray.
After the cooking/baking, turn off the oven function control button and the temperature
setting button and cancel the timer program if available. Take the cooked/baked food
out of the oven, place it on a safe place and ensure that the oven completely cools off
by keeping the oven door open.
As the oven will be hot, stay away from the oven and
keep your children away as well. When center of the oven temperature reachs the
70°C, you will see “hot” on the display.
Grill and Roast Chicken Function :
Turn your oven’s thermostat button so it will point to this temperature value. After a
preheating period of 5 minutes, put your food into the oven.
After the cooking, turn off the oven function control button and the thermostat button and
cancel the timer program. Take the cooked/baked food out of the oven, place it on a safe
place and ensure that the oven completely cools off by keeping the oven door open.
As the
oven will be hot, stay away from the oven and keep your children away as well. When
center of the oven temperature reachs the 70°C, you will see “hot” on the display.
Upper Heating Element, Grill and Roast Chicken Function :
This function is used for faster grills and for grills on a larger surface, roast chicken and roast
on skewer. For roasting, use the roast skewer ( Figure 3). For grills; put the foods on the grill,
and the grill on the highest rack. After placing the oven tray on the 3. Rack, you
can start teh grill operation. 3, the tray placed on the 3. Rack will ensure that the oil dropping
from the foods will be collected.
When grilling, the oven door must be closed and the
oven temperatureshould be adjusted to 200
Turn your oven’s thermostat button so it will point to this temperature value. After a
preheating period of 5 minutes, put your foods into the oven.
After the cooking, turn off the oven function control button and the thermostat button and
cancel the timer program if available. Take the cooked/baked food out of the oven, place it on
a safe place and ensure that the oven completely cools off by keeping the oven door open.
This function is used for grills, roast chicken and roast
on skewer. For roasting, use the roast skewer
(Figure 3). For grills; put the foods on the grill,
and the grill on the highest rack. After placing the oven
tray on the 3. Rack, You can start the grill operation. The
tray placed on the 3. Rack will ensure that the oil
dropping from he foods will be collected.
When grilling,
the oven door must be closed and the oven
temperature should be adjusted to 200