You can adjust the TMCAT17 system settings on the Administration Menu.
Only the administrator has the permission to access this menu so you
must log in using the administrator account, which comprises the following
user name and password by default.
User name:
If your TMCAT17 system is a two-tier system, make sure you follow
these guidelines:
All of the second-tier MCCAT switches have been programmed as the
second-tier devices.
If not, the operation or configuration you perform at the TMCAT17 base
switch applies to the base switch alone instead of the whole system.
For programming instructions, see
STEP (A): Programme an MCCAT
Switch as a Second-Tier Device
(on page 87).
Always perform the operation or configuration at the TMCAT17 base
switch (the first tier).
In This Chapter
Assigning or Modifying Channel Names ................................................. 43
Changing the Scan Rate......................................................................... 44
Renaming the TMCAT17 Switch............................................................. 44
Changing Passwords .............................................................................. 45
Changing the Hot Key ............................................................................. 46
Changing the Operation Mode................................................................ 47
Setting Up the Green Mode .................................................................... 48
Setting Up the Logoff Timeout Function ................................................. 49
Hiding the Login Box ............................................................................... 50
Managing User Accounts........................................................................ 51
Setting Up the Channel ID Display Function .......................................... 53
Adjusting the OSD Menu Position........................................................... 55
Resetting System Settings...................................................................... 55
Chapter 5
System Settings