MasterConsole Configurations and
Programming MasterConsole II at Power Up
MasterConsole II Product Design Background and
User connection
and operation of MasterConsole II is through the
unit's local KVM port (marked Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse - Din
6F,HD15F, Din 6F) on the back panel of each MasterConsole II.
For operation,
a console-keyboard, monitor and mouse-plugs into the
local KVM port. MasterConsole II includes front panel buttons as well
as an integrated On-Screen User Interface for switching and other
The On-Screen User Interface
is activated through a console key-
board and facilitates operation of MasterConsole II with on-screen
menus and commands.
In a one-tier configuration
, the console operates the all connected
computers. The KVM port is called
first-tier ports
, which means that
they have an active On-Screen User Interface for console operation.
In a two-tier configuration
, one or more MasterConsole II second-
tier units are cascaded from the base unit. This is accomplished by
connecting MasterConsole II computer cable from the base unit to the
KVM port of the second-tier unit. The base unit's local KVM port and
remote access port are first-tier ports with an active On-Screen User
Interface; and the base unit's on-screen menus include the names of
all the computers accessible from the base unit's console. This way,
the base unit's console can access and operate all MasterConsole II
units and all connected computers. For proper operation, the user
must see only the base units On-Screen User Interface menus from
the base unit console. To accomplish this, the On-Screen User
Interface at the port by which the second-tier unit is connected must
be deactivated, so that the base unit console can access and operate
all connected computers. A port with a deactivated On-Screen User
Interface and is called a
second-tier port.
Programming MasterConsole II
Each MasterConsole II is programmed at the factory as a base tier unit.
To modify the factory setting, a MasterConsole II unit can be pro-
grammed as a second-tier unit by holding down the #2 button on the
front panel at power up for a minimum of 3 seconds.