On-Screen User Interface Function Keys
Use the following Function Keys while using On-Screen User Interface:
when you want to...
go to the Help Menu; get a list of all the Function keys.
go to the Selection Menu; view the list of channels or
select a channel.
go to the Edit Names and Scan Rate Menu; change
channel Names or Individual Scan Rates.
go to the Configuration Menu; change operating
parameters (On-Screen User Interface, Menu position, ID
position, Global / Individual Scanning, AutoScan
OFF/ON, Scan Rate, AutoSkip OFF/ON, Hot Key,
duration of ID display).
go to the Administration Menu; turn Security ON/OFF,
change User Passwords.
exit On-Screen User Interface and turn ON AutoScan.
exit On-Screen User Interface and turn OFF AutoScan.
exit On-Screen User Interface and turn ON AutoSkip.
exit On-Screen User Interface and turn OFF AutoSkip.
toggle Selection Menu sorting (by Name or Channel ID).
exit On-Screen User Interface and return to normal
computer operation at the last channel selected. If SCAN
is set ON, the system will AutoScan according to
parameters set in the Configuration Menu.