Cut to Length with Multi Stroke Program
229 Control Card hardware not compatible
with drive software version
230 Drive transition from unconfigured to
configured while enabled
231 Two AInNull events too close together
241 Excessive Position Following Error
243 Parameter Checksum Error (Memory Error)
*FaultReset cannot reset these faults.
See ExtFault for further information on Blinking E, Blinking 1 and Alternating F3.
Prior to assembly, attention must be given to three points of contact that
require an application of Moly-Cote, Lubriplate or other suitable heavy grease.
The three points are:
1. The antibackup piston which is located at the feed entrance.
2. The main roll piston and the spiral pins in the main roller tie plate which can
be seen by viewing straight down through the center of the feed at
approximately half way from the inlet to the exit roller. The piston is positioned
horizontally at the base of the feed and approximately in the center of the feed
if viewing from the gear box to the belt cover.
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