Cut to Length with Multi Stroke Program
1. Select a job number.
2. Input or review parameter for that job number.
3. Thread up material in manual mode.
4. If properly interfaced, go into automatic mode.
The reset job parameters routing should be used with special caution. We
incorporated it as a user function for two reasons.
The first reason is if a problem caused the displayed parameters to be garbled
because of a program glitch, then by resetting the job parameters the problem
could be cleared.
The second reason is if there were a number of different jobs in memory that
were no longer required, then by resetting the job parameters, all the job
numbers would be reset to their default values, which includes putting all
zeros in the feed length and strokes per minute area of the program.
Keep a hard copy record of program numbers and data associated with them
for reference if needed. If this function is used in a way other than what it was
designed for then all previous data is lost and cannot be recovered.
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