There are two (2) time delay fuses (250V, 1A, 5mm
x 20mm) installed in fuse holders on the connection
interface. They are located directly above the ground
lug connection. They are present to provide a measure
of safety against power surges through the AC input.
The top fuse holder is connected in series between the
HOT line (L) input connection and the Interlock AC line
connection terminal TB1-L2. The bottom fuse holder
is connected in series between the neutral AC input
connection and the neutral input connection of the AC
line power filter.
Spare Fuses
The Controller also comes with two (2) spare fuses
(250V, 1A, 5mm x 20mm) mounted in holders, inside
the lid of the Controller.
The 9060 controller local mode is used for handguns,
or very simple automatic gun systems. Handguns
require only one signal input for operation, the trigger
signal. Though not necessary for operation, there are
also two (2) output relay contact signals, HV on and
Fault, that can be useful for triggering remote devices
such as lights or other safety indicators. The physical
signal interface is provided via the terminal block TB2
and the connector J3 on the PC Mainboard.
Trigger Signal
The trigger signal input (J3-5) for handgun units comes
as a sinking signal input wired directly
to the air flow switch. Please refer to the “Installation”
section of this service manual for more information.
High Voltage On (Relay Output, Dry Contact)
The “HV on” signal (TB2-4) is a relay controlled signal,
can be configured as either an AC or DC signal using
the Relay Common Input as the signal source. For
information regarding the relay contact voltage ratings,
please refer to the “Relay Output Contacts” portion of the
“Installation” section of the manual. This relay signal is
activated when the High Voltage cascade is turned on.
Fault (Relay Output, Dry Contact)
The “Fault” signal (TB2-2) is a relay controlled signal,
can be configured as either an AC or DC signal using
the Relay Common Input as the signal source. For
information regarding the relay contact voltage ratings,
please refer to the “Relay Output Contacts” portion
of the “Installation” section of the manual. This relay
signal is activated when a Fault Condition or Overload
Condition has faulted the 9060 Controller.
Relay Common Input
The relay common input (TB2-3) is a shared connection
between the Fault and HV on relay outputs. This is the
source of their output voltage. It can be wired to either
an AC or DC signal. It is most commonly connected
to the 24 VDC power provided at (TB2-1). This allows
the relays to output 24 VDC signals without the use
of any outside power sources.
9060 Classic High Voltage Controller -