- The labels and stickers providing instructions and pointing out the dangers, must not be
removed, hidden, or made illegible.
- Do not remove, except in case of maintenance, the safety devices and protective covers.
When it is necessary to remove them, stop engine, handle with care and reassemble them
properly before restarting the engine and using the equipment.
- It is forbidden to lubricate, clean and adjust the moving parts while they are running.
- During maintenance or adjustment activities on the equipment it is forbidden to use hands for
executing operations for which there are specif c tools.
- Do not use tools in bad condition or inappropriately, for instance pliers rather than
wrenches, etc.
- When maintenance or repairs are completed check out that no tools, wiping rags, or other
materials are left inside spaces or guides with moving parts.
- While using the equipment, it is forbidden to make more than one person give directions
and make signals. The eventual directions and signals relating to the load handling must be
given by one person only.
- Do not unexpectedly call an operator while he is working if not necessary; it is forbidden as
well to frighten or throw objects at the operator, even if just for fun.
- Watch out for those who are present, especially the children!
- Always make sure that no people stand within the equipment's ray of action.
- Do not make people get on the machine.
- When the equipment is not needed, stop the vehicle's engine, park it on f at ground with f rst
speed and parking brake on, with the machine rested on the ground and PTO disengaged.
- Do not clean, lubricate, repair or adjust with the engine running and the machine lifted.
- Do not stretch your hands into the chipper while it is working.
- Short wooden parts must be pushed towards knives using longer wooden parts or by means of
proper pusher device.