Carefully remove the plate and put the object back on the table, not changing the position of
the scanner relative to the table
Start scanning
After the end of scanning go to SсаnMerge for processing
Possible problems and their solution
The cameras are turning off, I get the "Camera image acquisition fail" error
On some computers, especially on laptop computers, cameras can switch off during operation. This
happens due to the reason that cameras are powered thorough USB and may lack power. To overcome this
effect go to Adjustment → Configuration → Cameras. In the field Frequency for uEye cameras manually find
the value, at which cameras will not be switched off, or by pressing the Test button and the program itself
selects the best value (usually 18-20).
When setting up the scanner calculated distance to calibration plate does not correspond to the
distance, calculated by the formula
If the difference is several centimetres - it is not a big deal. However, if much more, check the accuracy of
installed lenses and that cameras location corresponds to the selected calibration plate by the scale. The
distance should be found from the plate. The formula is just for the validation, and not vice versa.
During the calibration procedure the scanner does not recognize markers on the calibration plate
Possible causes:
It is possible that cameras "see" other sheet with markers or other calibration plate in
addition to the one you use.
The far markers of the plate do not fall into the frame, not covered fully by the light or
covered by mounting construction
The plate is damaged, markers have defects.
Lenses are dirty
When I start the scan program cameras are not connected
Check availability and work of both cameras simultaneously in the "IDS Camera manager"
software (it is installed together with camera drivers)
Check that the correct cameras are specified in the software equipment options. Choice of
the cameras is made considering the scanner model
Try to connect cameras to other USB-ports.
At the launch of the program I see the message "Cannot write to a working directory", software settings
are not saving