Deck Inputs 1-2 Page Controls:
Each Deck panel controls these functions:
Analog Input Source
: Each input may be set to
Line level (CD) or Phono level (PH) using a switch
on the rear of the mixer. PH/CD 1 and PH/CD 2
are associated with Deck 1. PH/CD 3 and PH/CD
4 are associated with Deck 2. The control panel
shows the input mode selected on the mixer for
each of the four inputs. The mode can only be
changed on the mixer.
Phono Sensitivity
: If Phono input is selected on the mixer, the Phono Sensitivity control appears.
Clicking the down-arrow displays a list of 16 sensitivity settings between 2.5 mV and 10 mV in 0.5 mV
steps. Set the Phono Sensitivity to the same level of your cartridge (see your cartridge documentation
for the correct value). Another method is to match the level of a CD on another input.
Filter Resonance
: Each channel of the Sixty-One has a Filter knob that provides both High- and Low-
Cut filtering. Filter resonance controls the “peak” of the filter cutoff frequency. The Low setting provides
the smoothest Filter without adding gain. The High setting adds accent to frequencies near the Filter
cutoff point by adding about 12 dB of gain. Adding gain in a narrow region around the cutoff frequency
adds a “zip” effect to audio as the Filter is swept. The default resonance is 5 dB.
USB-3 (5-6) Record Source
: This control allows users to select one of two analog sources as the vinyl
emulation or USB record source for Deck 1. The two radio buttons allow the user to select PH/CD 1 or
PH/CD 2. The post-Deck 1 fader signal is always available for recording on USB 1 (1-2) record.
USB-4 (7-8) Record Source
: This control allows selecting one of two analog sources as the vinyl
emulation or the USB record source for Deck 2. The two radio buttons allow the user to select PH/CD 3
or PH/CD 4. The post-Deck 2 fader signal is always available for recording on USB 2 (3-4) record.
MIDI Configuration Page:
This page has a panel to configure the MIDI Out
Port and another to configure the MIDI In Port.
MIDI In and MIDI Out may be set to any channel
between 1 and 16 or OFF. If MIDI In or Out are not
being used, set them to OFF. MIDI Out defaults to
Channel 1 and MIDI In defaults to OFF. See "MIDI
Mapping" on page 19.
Factory Defaults
To reset the Sixty-One’s Record/Control Sources, Phono Sensitivity and Filter Resonance to defaults:
1. Power off the Sixty-One.
2. Push both
buttons at the same time.
4. While holding these buttons down, power on the Sixty-One.
5. Immediately after fading up, the
lights flash one time, indicating a successful reset.
NOTE: Settings are saved in the mixer. Software is updated with the mixer’s settings.