Remote Control Basics
User Manual 1177.5079.02 ─ 10
ble with the CONDition register of a SCPI defined register and is at the highest level of
the SCPI hierarchy. Its special feature is that bit 6 acts as the summary bit of all other
bits of the status byte register.
The status byte register is read by
or a serial poll. The service request enable
register is associated with the status byte register. The function of the service request
enable register corresponds to that of the ENABle register of the SCPI registers. Each
bit of the status byte register is assigned a bit in the service request enable register.
6 of the service request enable register is ignored. If a bit is set in the service
request enable register and the associated bit in the status byte register changes from
0 to 1, a service request (SRQ) is generated on the IEC/IEEE bus. This service request
triggers an interrupt in the controller configured for this purpose, and can be further
processed by the controller.
The service request enable register can be set and read by
Table 11-4: Meaning of bits used in the status byte
Bit No.
Not used
Device status register summary bit
Depending on the configuration of the sensors status register, this bit is set when a sensor
is connected or disconnected or when an error has occurred in a sensor.
Chapter 11.3.5, "Device Status Register"
Error queue not empty
The bit is set if the error queue has an entry. If this bit is enabled by the service request
enable register, each entry of the error queue generates a service request. An error can
thus be recognized and specified in detail by querying the error queue. The query yields a
conclusive error message. This procedure is recommended since it considerably reduces
the problems of IEC/IEEE-bus control.
Questionable status register summary bit
This bit is set if an
bit is set in the
status register and the associ-
bit is set to 1. A set bit denotes a questionable device status which can be
specified in greater detail by querying the Questionable status register.
Chapter 11.3.6, "Questionable Status Register"
MAV bit
(Message available)
This bit is set if a readable message is in the output queue. This bit can be used to auto-
mate reading of data from the sensor into the controller.
ESB: Standard event status register summary bit
This bit is set if one of the bits in the standard event status register is set and enabled in the
event status enable register. Setting this bit denotes a serious error which can be specified
in greater detail by querying the standard event status register.
Chapter 11.3.7, "Standard Event Status and Enable Register (ESR, ESE)"
Status Reporting System