Common Analysis and Display Functions
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
Displaying a Reference Trace - Importing Trace Data
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How to Export Trace Data and Numerical Results
Reference: ASCII File Export Format
Displaying a Reference Trace - Importing Trace Data
Trace data that was stored during a previous measurement can be imported to the
Spectrum application, for example as a reference trace.
The data in the import file must have a specified format (see
ence: ASCII File Export Format"
on page 615), and can be stored in
Trace Mode
The trace mode for the imported traces is set to "View" so that the data is not overwrit-
ten immediately during the next sweep. Other trace settings remain unchanged. Thus,
the displayed trace may not comply with the displayed trace settings in the
channel bar
Detector type and number of sweep points
In particular, the detector type and the number of sweep points remain unchanged.
If the detector type of the active trace requires two points per x-value ("Auto Peak"),
but the file contains only one, each point is duplicated. If the detector type requires only
one point per x-value, but the file contains two, each second point is ignored.
If the file contains more sweep points than the active trace requires, the superfluous
points are ignored. If the file does not contain enough sweep points, the missing points
are inserted as -200
If the unit of the y-axis values in the file does not correspond to the active result dis-
play, the imported values are converted. If no unit is defined in the file, it is assumed to
be dBm.
Importing multiple traces in one file
If the import file contains more than one trace, you can import several traces at once,
overwriting the existing trace data for any active trace in the result display with the
same trace number. Data from the import file for currently not active traces is not
Alternatively, you can import a single trace only, which is displayed for the trace num-
ber specified in "Import to Trace". This list contains all currently active traces in the
result display. If a trace with the specified number exists in the import file, that trace is
imported. Otherwise, the first trace in the file is imported (indicated by a message in
the status bar).
Importing and Exporting Measurement Results for Evaluation