Getting Started 4072.8432.02 ─ 04
c) The IF Panorama dialog box will open. Change some of the settings and
observe how the IF Panorama is displayed.
- The first few fields allow to adjust the highest and lowest level to be dis-
played in the IF panel. Pressing "Adjust Level Range" will perform a autoscal-
ing, optimized for the current spectrum.
- "Hold Max" enables the maximum of the trace to be displayed and held for
the specified duration.
- "Show Grid" displays grid lines over the spectrum window.
- "Waterfall Color Set" allows the choice of 4 color palettes for the mapping
of the trace level to the color on the waterfall display.
- "Highest / Lowest Level" sets the maximum and minimum of the vertical
scale respectively. This changes the scale of the displayed trace and hence
also the waterfall color mapping because the color is mapped relative to the
window height and not the absolute scale.
- The remaining fields are used to configure the polychrome settings. Please
refer to the operating manual to learn more about the polychrome represen-
tation of the IF spectrum.
Advanced Operation – FSCAN (Frequency Scan)
Frequency scan allows the monitoring of a frequency span greater than the real-
time IF spectrum bandwidth.
1. Press the MODE key to open the Mode menu.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)