Configuring the measurement setup
User Manual 1179.3615.02 ─ 01
Remote command:
Display ← Sensor settings
Sets the display mode for power readings.
Permanent ← Display ← Sensor settings
Activates the permanent indication of the power measurement result in the status bar
of the home screen.
You can activate the permanent display for several sensors.
Remote command:
Display ← Display ← Sensor settings
Sets the display of results on mean or peak power.
Remote command:
Use Frequency Of ← Sensor settings
Selects the source for measurement.
The R&S
AREG800A transfers the RF frequency and level settings to
the R&S power sensor automatically. Thus you achieve power read-
ings of high accuracy, irrespective from the connected sensor type.
Sets a user defined frequency.
If you have a frequency converting device between the generator and
the DUT. If the frequency converter doubles the frequency, you can
set twice the frequency in the R&S
AREG800A. The R&S power sen-
sor considers this RF frequency setting.
to the measurement's frequency.
Remote command:
Frequency ← Sensor settings
Defines the frequency value if "Source > User" is used.
Remote command:
Level Offset State,Level Offset ← Sensor settings
Activates and defines a level offset which is considered in the power meassurement
result. The level offset value is always expressed in dB, irrespective of the display of
the measurement result.
This function allows you to consider, for example, an attenuator in the signal path.
Using power sensors