1 LM940CS-12 12VDC low dropout regulator (VR1)
1 1N4000 series power diode (can be any number from 1N4002 to
1N4007 (Black body, grey stripe, marked 1N4002) (D1)
1 1N4148 Small signal switching diodes. (Marked 4148) (D3)
3 SD101 Shottkey switching diodes (orange body, black stripe, marked
101A) (D9,10,11)
2 2N3904 NPN transistors (marked 3904) (Q2,3)
1 J177 P-Channel JFET in a TO-92 (marked J177) (Q4)
1 78L05 5V regulator in a TO-92 package (marked LM78L05) (VR2)
1 LMC6482AIN Dual rail to rail opamp. (U4)
1 LMC6484AIN Quad rail to rail opamp. (U5)
1 28-pin microcontroller IC with sticker (U1)
1 MCP42010-I/P A dual 10k digital pot (U2)
1 Small green LED (D4)
1 4.7 ohm resistor (yellow-violet-gold) (R35)
2 100 ohm resistors (brown-black-brown) (R43,44)
1 120 ohm 1/2 watt resistor (brown-red-brown) (R34)
1 180 ohm resistor (brown-grey-brown) (R20)
2 270 ohm resistor (red-violet-brown) (R6,9)
4 1k ohm resistors (brown-black-red) (R10,16,27,36,37)
2 2.2k ohm resistors (red-red-red) (R22,24)
2 3.3k ohm resistor (orange-orange-red) (R21,31)
1 4.7k ohm resistor (yellow-violet-red) (R17)
6 10k ohm resistors (brown-black-orange) (R2,3,4,7,32,39)\
2 16k ohm resistors (brown-blue-orange)(R45,46)
1 20k ohm resistor (red-black-orange) (R18)
2 27k ohm resistors (red-violet-orange) (R14,28)
1 33k ohm resistor (orange-orange-orange) (R29)
4 47k ohm resistors (yellow-violet-orange) (R23,25,)
4 56k ohm resistors (green-blue-orange) (R15,19,26,30)
1 10k ohm trim pot for display contrast. (Orange top, marked 103) (R1)
5 1nF or 0.001uF ceramic disc capacitors (marked 102) (C5,33,46,68,69)
9 10nF or 0.01uF ceramic disc capacitors (marked 103)
10 0.1uF ceramic disc capacitors (marked 104)
1 10pF ceramic disc capacitor (marked 10) (C2)
2 33pF ceramic disc capacitors (marked 33) (C22,26)