Rx-URME-007 Rev - -2
- Preliminary -
PMC665 Hardware Reference and Installation Manual
Page 5
module is seated properly into CMC connectors on the host. Use screws to fasten module into
host PCB.
Remove the four screws from bottom of the stand-offs of the PMC665.
Line-up the J1 and J2 on the host PCB to PMC665, J1 & J2.
Push the PMC665 down (make sure the connectors J1 and J2 are positioned properly).
Use the four screws to connect the PMC665 stand offs to the host PCB
Connection to the Local Network Media
The PMC665 has two fiber transceiver connections on the front panel, one for each Ethernet
channel. Connection is made using industry standard fiber cables.
POINT to POINT Operation
Two PMC665 modules may be connected “back to back” for direct connection using standard
Fiber cabling.
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