RAM Audio LMS244 Digital Controller
Now that you are familiar with the functions of the buttons on the main screen, you can begin to work
with the program. First of all, to prevent future loss of configurations, you should give a name to each
project, or the equipment you are setting up. This can be achieved using the System button which
opens the System window revealing several blank sections for: System Name, Project name,
Installation, Engineer and Comments.
3.3. Operating Mode
Once the system you are to work with has been identified, the operating parameters have to be
defined. The first step is to select the Operating Mode according to the system or installation to be
configured. The following modes are available:
4-way mono
: 4-way mono system. Configuration for 4-way PA systems, which are normally,
sub-bass, bass, mid and high and require the use of two LMS244 units to work in stereo.
Source input is via Input A.
3-way mono + aux.
: 3-way mono system with the fourth output free for an auxiliary input. This
configuration could be used in a PA system of three ways (bass, mid and high) driven by a
source signal at Input A. The fourth Output is supplied with a signal from Input B which could
be used for a side-fill monitor or a near-fill for FOH.
3-way mono + sub mono
: 3-way mono system with mono sub bass (in principle) at the fourth
output. This configuration is similar to the previous one but instead of providing an auxiliary
send signal it provides a mono sub bass signal derived from the summing of inputs A and B.
2-way stereo
: 2-way stereo system. Outputs 1 and 2 are the bass and mid-high channels of
Input A; Outputs 3 and 4 are the bass and mid/high channels of Input B.
2-way sub mono + full range
: 2-way stereo system with common mono sub-bass
and a possible full range signal at the fourth output. This configuration is similar to the
previous one but groups the bass signals to a single mono output leaving a free output to be
used if necessary, as an auxiliary send.
Free route
: This is a free mode. Here the user is free to choose the input signal source (A, B
or M) driving each output. Each input has its own gain, delay and independent equalization. In
this mode, the Route buttons remain unlocked so that the engineer can adjust the
configuration to any installation. This is the default setting when starting a new configuration.
All of the above predetermined Operating Modes can be constructed from this mode.
If you want to change the Operating Mode, open the mode list and select the one you require: the
Route buttons for each output will be configured automatically. In all modes other than the Free Route
mode, the route buttons will remain locked. Should you however, try to modify them the program will
inform you that it is necessary to change the mode setting to Free Route.